Monday, August 16, 2010

Early morning hours . . .

I thoroughly look forward to the early mornings when the world and our house are peaceful and quiet and I can read my Bible and plan my day. I sit by our large picture window and watch the sun come up and the morning activities begin. Neighbors taking an early morning stroll, newspapers being delivered, yards being watered before it gets too hot and one of our neighbors who reports the weather on a local station leaving for work.

However, one of the best parts of the morning is the little bundle of joy that the good Lord sent to our flower bed all summer long. I love watching him drink from the feeder, fly away and then return for another and another. He brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart.

As I sit watching our little hummingbird I see a white Honda van turn into our driveway and know that our day with the grandchildren has begun. I know that they will hit the backdoor with more energy than I will have all day but you know what . . . I love having them here and wouldn't want it any other way.

They are precious children that God has given to us and we are so thankful that we are able to keep them.

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