- Cornbread dressing - done
- Gifts wrapped - done
- Stockings filled - done
- Gifts for neighbors - done
- Tamales for Combs family Christmas Eve party - done
The saying in Texas is that if you don't like the weather wait a day and they are right. Monday and Tuesday we saw temperatures in the high 70s and low 80s and then on Wednesday the weather started cooling off. Anyway, while the weather was nice my daughter and I decided to take the children to see Santa on Tuesday. Notice the big girlie - she thinks she is smiling. She always seems to do this and it makes for some interesting faces.
After a couple of dead end errands it was back to our house for lunch and naps (not only for the children but for their mom). I had a few minutes to run a couple of errands close to the house and when I returned I decided I needed to water the flower beds since we haven't had rain in months. By this time the children were up from their naps and wanting to go outside. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
Both children were soaking wet and couldn't wait to get undressed. Just glad it was the day the weather was so warm or they would have been frozen.
Did you get up to see the eclipse of the moon the other morning? I didn't (way too lazy) but some of my friends did and shared their photos with me. It must have been a spectacular sight.

What a blessing God provided for us. A beautiful display in the sky, family and friends and, best of all, Jesus. Give thanks for all we have as we celebrate the birth of His son this Christmas season. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
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