Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today was "Meet the Teacher" day at North Fort Worth Baptist Church where the little man and little girlie will be attending Mother's Day Out for two days a week. Everyone was very excited to see their teachers, look at their room, and meet some of the other children. This was a big thing so, of course, Mom, LyLy and Papa had to tag along.

The little girlie was a little shy at first but soon got right into looking at all the toys they had in her room . . . which, by the way, is the Monkey Room.

Miss Jamie and Miss Kandalynn are the teachers for the Monkey Room.

Our little man fell asleep in the car but came to life as soon he saw heard all the noise and saw the toys. He wanted down right away so that he could start playing.

Miss Micah and Miss Beth are the teachers for his room . . . which is the Butterfly Room.

Their days will be full of activities and they can hardly wait to start school next Tuesday. The little girlie says, "I will be able to make some new friends".

Tomorrow is another day that we look forward too.

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