Wednesday, August 25, 2010

YIPPEE . . .

The heat wave has finally been broken. After over 20 days of nothing but 100+ degrees, our garden ruined and Monday reaching 110 degrees, Tuesday turned out to be a delightfully cool day (in the 90s). We had a nice rain in the morning hours and the afternoon was just right for taking a walk with the little man while the girlie was still napping. Today was even nicer . . . cool, cool, cool. The little ones were even able to go outside and play.

Speaking of the little girlie, she is a huge Tinker Bell/Disney fairy fan. So knowing this, her Aunt Mel gifted her with two of the cutest "TB" nightgowns and as you can see loves to wear them and enjoys modeling them for the camera.

Thank you, Aunt Mel.

Now to the little man . . . he loves our computer. Every time the door is open to the office he dashes inside, climbs up on the chair and starts typing (more like pretending to be typing).

He is absolutely the most hilarious little man I have ever been around.

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